On November 2, 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) adopted rule and form amendments to enhance the information that registered funds currently report about their proxy votes, in addition to requiring fund managers to report how they voted on executive compensation matters, or “say-on-pay” votes. Some of the measures to enhance reporting include requiring funds to present voting matters in a particular order and organizing them into several different categories, as well as disclosing how many shares were loaned and not recalled (and thus not voted).
DRRT's Managing Partner, Joseph Gulino was a speaker at the Improve in Bergamo
DRRT was honored to support and participate in the Improve conference on November 25, 2022. The conference provided insight into protection of the equity, from finances to real estate.
Our Managing Partner Mr. Gulino participated in a panel titled "Class action and investment damage protection instruments", in which he discussed Class Action - The American Model, investment damage protection tools in the United States, and the available loss recovery mechanisms.
The conference addressed the weaknesses of the financial systems that affect retail and institutional investors around the world, the damage assessment, and effective tools to protect investors.
Topics: classaction
DRRT Launches Update to its Global Investor Protection System (GPS)
DRRT is launching an update to its Global Investor Protection System (GPS).
Launched in 2011, DRRT's GPS provides investors with a comprehensive view of all securities loss recovery matters worldwide.
For years, investors, including asset managers, insurance companies, mutual and pension funds, as well as other financial institutions around the world have relied almost exclusively on the U.S class action system for the recovery of losses from, investor fraud. They have done so by participating in passive class action settlements or through active opt-out litigation.
Topics: Settlement, Claims Filing
DRRT's Managing Partner, Joseph Gulino hosted a panel at the ICGN's conference in Seoul.
DRRT was honored to support and participate in the ICGN's conference in Seoul on October 5, 2022. We want to thank Mr. Fred Bowman, Investment Officer at Therium Capital Management, and Mr. Joonyup Park, attorney at Kim & Chang and formerly at Korea Investment Corporation for joining our Managing Partner, Joseph Gulino at DRRT's panel, "Shareholder Activism Tools, Litigation as a Tool to Encourage Sound Corporate Governance Practice".
Topics: Global Loss Recovery, ICGN
Hypo Real Estate Settlement Featured in The D&O Diary
The recent DRRT settlement with Hypo Real Estate Holding was recently featured in The D&O Diary.
Topics: Settlement, Settlements, law, lawsuit, lawfirm, lawyers, hypo real estate
DRRT beendet 13-jährigen Rechtsstreit für Anleger in Sachen Hypo Real Estate Holding GmbH (HRE) erfolgreich mit historischem Vergleich
Das seit Januar 2009 anhängige Gerichtsverfahren zwischen DRRT-Rechtsanwalt Christian Wefers - als Musterkläger für über 100 DRRT Mandanten - und der HRE wurde nunmehr erfolgreich verglichen und schreibt damit Geschichte für Musterverfahren nach dem Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahrensgesetz (KapMuG). Dieser Vergleich folgt der vergleichsweisen Beendigung des Telekom-Musterverfahrens im Jahr 2021, welches das erste, große deutsche Kapitalanlegermusterverfahren war und seit 2001 lief.
DRRT successfully ends 13-year legal dispute for investors in Hypo Real Estate Holding GmbH (HRE) with historic settlement
The court proceedings pending since January 2009 between DRRT attorney Christian Wefers – as model plaintiff for more than 100 DRRT clients – and HRE have now been successfully settled, making history for model proceedings under the German Capital Markets Model Case Act (KapMuG). This settlement follows the settlement of the Telekom model proceedings in 2021, which were the first major German Capital Markets model proceedings and had been ongoing since 2001.
DRRT's Global Investor Loss Recovery Conference Mentioned in The D&O Diary
DRRT was delighted to host its 12th Annual Global Investor Loss Recovery Conference in Frankfurt on May 12 and 13. Among the speakers, we were honored to have Mr. Kevin LaCroix, author of the popular The D&O Diary. Mr. LaCroix posted a blog post highlighting his time in Germany. We invite you to visit The D&O Diary.
Topics: Global Loss Recovery, Class Action, conference, corporate governance
DRRT is Delighted to Announce Creation of The Future Lawyers Scholarship with The Miami Foundation
DRRT proudly supports the education and wellbeing of future generations in their pursuit of personal success. DRRT is passionate about educating students to ensure a bright future for our communities throughout South Florida, across this country and abroad. DRRT has a long and proud history of community involvement, providing for charitable causes, and engaging in philanthropic activities.
Leading by example, DRRT is proud to announce it has created The Future Lawyers Scholarship with The Miami Foundation. Through this program, DRRT will provide funds to help students gain access to higher education. DRRT firmly attests that increasing young people’s educational attainment is a critical factor for Greater Miami’s growth.
Topics: Global Loss Recovery, corporate social responsability, CSR, lawyers, scholarship, The Miami Foundation