119 institutional investors, accused the French company Vivendi of having disseminated false or misleading information between 2000 and 2002, thereby causing them an important stock market damage.
Agreement between 119 institutional investors and the company Vivendi SE
Topics: Settlement, Settlements, shareholder protection
Hypo Real Estate Settlement Featured in The D&O Diary
The recent DRRT settlement with Hypo Real Estate Holding was recently featured in The D&O Diary.
Topics: Settlement, Settlements, law, lawsuit, lawfirm, lawyers, hypo real estate
As we have just entered 2019, we here at DRRT would like to provide a quick overview of the trends we noticed in our work as a claims filing provider during 2018. This year had major developments, and we are still waiting to see how this will play out in terms of recoveries for many of the cases. However, the increase in Australian actions, the complexities of the antitrust settlements such as FX and LIBOR, and the evolution of new jurisdictions prove that having a robust claims filing provider, with an extensive legal background, can make a major difference in terms of maximizing recoveries and ensuring all opportunities are explored.
Topics: Global Loss Recovery, U.S. Securities Class Actions, Claims Filing, Settlements, LIBOR, australia, Antitrust, FX